The Federal Bar Association Civil Rights Law Section, in conjunction with the Utah Chapter of the Federal Bar Association, the Utah Attorney General’s Office, and The Utah ACLU,
Let Them Speak Cake:
Expansion of Speech Including Masterpiece Cake
Friday, March 30, 2018
9:00am to 1:00pm
Federal Court Jury Assembly Room
Morning Light Bites Panel: Trends in Qualified Immunity Post-Pearson
Panelists: Chief Utah Federal District Judge David Nuffer; Assistant Attorney General Meb Anderson, who wrote the winning brief to the trial court in Pearson v. Callahan; BYU Law Professor Aaron Nielson, who has researched and published on post-Pearson trends; Attorney Karra Porter, who has litigated civil rights cases extensively on behalf of plaintiffs.
A First Course on the First Amendment: What Is “Speech?”
Panelists: Professor RonNell Jones, who teaches First Amendment and the Media at the University of Utah Law School; Assistant Attorney General Kyle Kaiser, counsel on the recent “AG Gag” Case; ACLU of Utah Legal Director John Mejia; FBA National Civil Rights Chair Wylie Stecklow. The panel will look at key Courts of Appeals and Supreme Court cases that define the boundaries of “speech” for purposes of the First Amendment.
Keynote: Colorado Solicitor General Fred Yarger on his recent argument to the U.S. Supreme Court in Masterpiece Cake. General Yarger showed clips from oral argument and shared insights on the novel First Amendment issues Masterpiece Cake presents and how the Court may rule.
CLE Credits: 3.5 hours. Lunch included. The cost is $35 for FBA, ACLU, AAG, Public Defenders and Public Interest lawyers. All others: $50.