The Federal Bar Association Civil Rights Law Section, in conjunction with the Massachusetts Chapter of the Federal Bar Association,


Qualified Immunity on the Cutting Edge:
Has the doctrine run its course?

Wednesday, April 11, 2018   2:00 to 4:00pm
John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse, Boston

Judge Timothy Hillman and Professor Karen Blum discussed the latest Supreme Court holdings and a growing body of academic and think-tank critique of QI emanating from both plaintiff and defense perspectives.

A panel of seasoned practitioners from both sides of the “v” conducted a roundtable discussion of the current state of the law including case evaluation factors, when to file, and the trend toward submitting post-verdict, factual Special Interrogatories to juries, to assist the trial judge in making the ultimate QI decision.

Hon. Timothy Hillman, U.S. District Judge, District of Massachusetts

Prof. Karen Blum, Suffolk Law School, recognized as pre-eminent legal scholar on Qualified Immunity who regularly teaches Judges and lawyers on all aspects of QI

Howard Friedman and Marsha Kazarosian (Plaintiff Perspective) v.
Leonard Kesten and Andrew Gambaccini (Defense Perspective)

Robert Sinsheimer   

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